

Incarceration camp bus tours take Japanese Canadians to former WWII incarceration camp sites in the interior of BC.

In this segment, activists discuss the conversations they had during and directly after taking these bus tours.

Speakers: Connie Kadota, Martin Kobayakawa, Mayumi Takasaki


Here, a Japanese Canadian activist, Glen Nagano, speaks on the difficulty of mobilizing his friends to join the Asian Canadian activist movement

in the early 1970s due to their assertion that they didn’t have an “identity problem.” 

Speakers: Glen Nagano, Izumi Sakamoto


In this segment, playwright Rick Shiomi discusses the founding of Asian American theatre company Theatre Mu. 

While the company would become highly influential on the theatre scene in Massachusetts, he speaks to how its founders could not have predicted its impact. For them, Theatre Mu was created by the simple “desire to do something” about the lack of representation of Asian Americans in theatre. 

Speakers: Rick Shiomi


In this segment, Sho Yamagushiku discusses how the Canadian and Japanese gender norms may shape

Sansei men’s interpretation and processing of the mass incarceration of Japanese Canadians, which occurred during WWII.   

Speakers: Sho Yamagushiku, Izumi Sakamoto